Monday, July 12, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
What have I learnt...a summary of 11 hours of my life (roughly)..
Well. Well, well, well.
What have I learnt??
Well, I don't think I've so much learnt "new" things, as improved and expanded my limited knowledge on subjects.
I've used this class to help me concentrate harder on really understanding what it is I am doing with the www and how it works.
The great think about this class is that it's forced me to concentrate on all these things and to continue to keep my brain going around them, otherwise I would have forgotten them.
Some of the more memorable things that I've actually learnt quite a great deal about include RSS , the actual meaning of terms such as 'FTP' and the like and so one.
RSS is something I knew off, but never really used all that much. I never watched enough sites until joining the class to warrant my bothering to watch RSS feeds. I'm still not using it as much as I should, but that's mostly because I enjoy the procrastination of actually going to the sites :P.
Like I said, the more you actually have to THINK about what you're doing, the better it sinks in.
During this class I've been forced to use a number of sites I would have otherwise avoided (Such as flickr and delicious). Although I don;t really enjoy using the sites as such, the fact is that I now actually can. Which has given me a much wider knowledge base for online networking.
Having to miss half the class every week has proved a lot more frustrating this term than the last and sometimes I just end up tearing my hair out trying to understand what it is I'm exactly supposed to be doing. But I think generally I've understood just about everything and it's all been of some use to me. It keeps the juices in my brain moving anyway :P And that's always a bonus.
What have I learnt??
Well, I don't think I've so much learnt "new" things, as improved and expanded my limited knowledge on subjects.
I've used this class to help me concentrate harder on really understanding what it is I am doing with the www and how it works.
The great think about this class is that it's forced me to concentrate on all these things and to continue to keep my brain going around them, otherwise I would have forgotten them.
Some of the more memorable things that I've actually learnt quite a great deal about include RSS , the actual meaning of terms such as 'FTP' and the like and so one.
RSS is something I knew off, but never really used all that much. I never watched enough sites until joining the class to warrant my bothering to watch RSS feeds. I'm still not using it as much as I should, but that's mostly because I enjoy the procrastination of actually going to the sites :P.
Like I said, the more you actually have to THINK about what you're doing, the better it sinks in.
During this class I've been forced to use a number of sites I would have otherwise avoided (Such as flickr and delicious). Although I don;t really enjoy using the sites as such, the fact is that I now actually can. Which has given me a much wider knowledge base for online networking.
Having to miss half the class every week has proved a lot more frustrating this term than the last and sometimes I just end up tearing my hair out trying to understand what it is I'm exactly supposed to be doing. But I think generally I've understood just about everything and it's all been of some use to me. It keeps the juices in my brain moving anyway :P And that's always a bonus.
Week 10 Technorati
Well, for starters, Technorati refuses to accept my name. So, I know not very much about it. At all.
Secondly, I don't know ANYONE in this class, and they don't know me. It does not appear with my short time spent in the class that this is going to change. Therefore, none of them will be adding me to any gadgets on any of their profiles and visa versa.
And because of Technorati's lack of co-operation, I cannot have an RSS feed to it.
The end.
Secondly, I don't know ANYONE in this class, and they don't know me. It does not appear with my short time spent in the class that this is going to change. Therefore, none of them will be adding me to any gadgets on any of their profiles and visa versa.
And because of Technorati's lack of co-operation, I cannot have an RSS feed to it.
The end.
Week 9: Counters and RSS
Counters are used by many people in many ways. As the name suggests, they count. They can count the number of individual hits a particular site or page gets or they can count each individual IP address and so on. They can count how many times a particular 'user' goes onto a page.
Often they are used by larger companies for their own research but they can also be used by regular internet users (often as an ego boost ;P).
Some other ways of counting or analysing the movements about a web page can come from online free programs such as Omnature and the Google analytics.
RSS or Really Simple Sindication is a web feed format that is used to publish things that are regularly updated eg. News articles, blogs, audio entries etc. RSS enables subscribed users to receive news of an update without having to actually visit the related site.
Google reader is capable of these actions both on and offline(using Google Gears). Google gears is "a browser extension that lets online applications work offline. Users who have installed the extension can download up to 2000 items to be read offline. After coming back online, Google Reader updates the feeds."
Often they are used by larger companies for their own research but they can also be used by regular internet users (often as an ego boost ;P).
Some other ways of counting or analysing the movements about a web page can come from online free programs such as Omnature and the Google analytics.
RSS or Really Simple Sindication is a web feed format that is used to publish things that are regularly updated eg. News articles, blogs, audio entries etc. RSS enables subscribed users to receive news of an update without having to actually visit the related site.
Google reader is capable of these actions both on and offline(using Google Gears). Google gears is "a browser extension that lets online applications work offline. Users who have installed the extension can download up to 2000 items to be read offline. After coming back online, Google Reader updates the feeds."
Friday, May 21, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Week 8 FTP and such the like...
So..Made some poxy basic web page that stinks....
FTP stands for "Standard Networking Protocol". It dictates how a file is copied over from one host to another on the internet.
Over the years many security issues have been addressed regarding FTP specifications.
A password and/or username must always be used which can sometimes be problematic for individual users.
FTP stands for "Standard Networking Protocol". It dictates how a file is copied over from one host to another on the internet.
Over the years many security issues have been addressed regarding FTP specifications.
A password and/or username must always be used which can sometimes be problematic for individual users.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Dear sXe
[rant] Dear Straight Edge nazis (Not just straight edge people..the scary ones...I like straight edge people ^__^). I do not with to be bombarded with your beliefs in your name, profile, status updates, photos ABOUT the topic, conversations you have ALL THE TIME, blog posts about how great you are compared to me etc etc.
Please get over yourselves. There is NO NEED to flaunt it everywhere and make other people feel bad (or try to anyway) because they are not. You are not part of some exclusive club that you and only you know the secrets to. People have been "Not putting alien substances in their bodies" and "not having aimless sex" FOR CENTURIES! It's just that YOU GUYS feel the need to bang on about it like you're some sort of superior do NOT need to have it in your name, in fact, I think that makes you MORE of a poser than the people you thing you are better than.
In short: Please stop trying to be all high-and-mighty about the fact that YOU have chosen not to do what everyone else does and has done for years. If I want to drink and smoke and have sex I damn well will.
(Apologies to all my NICE Straight Edge friends who are not scary)
...Posting this here because I don't want to start a facebook war....
Please get over yourselves. There is NO NEED to flaunt it everywhere and make other people feel bad (or try to anyway) because they are not. You are not part of some exclusive club that you and only you know the secrets to. People have been "Not putting alien substances in their bodies" and "not having aimless sex" FOR CENTURIES! It's just that YOU GUYS feel the need to bang on about it like you're some sort of superior do NOT need to have it in your name, in fact, I think that makes you MORE of a poser than the people you thing you are better than.
In short: Please stop trying to be all high-and-mighty about the fact that YOU have chosen not to do what everyone else does and has done for years. If I want to drink and smoke and have sex I damn well will.
(Apologies to all my NICE Straight Edge friends who are not scary)
...Posting this here because I don't want to start a facebook war....
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Hoorah for passing with the first mark I have received back this semester!!!
BOO! To all the other subjects who's assessments I did FIRST yet have not received marks for >_>
BOO! To all the other subjects who's assessments I did FIRST yet have not received marks for >_>
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Week 7 CSS and such
Just spent the last fifteen minutes or so...throwing penguins around the screen. Amazing fun.
OK, down to business.
CSS is defined by wiki as: "is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation semantics (that is, the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language"
...finish this later...sleep-time now.
.....later on....
So basically this means that it is the BASE CODE that is used to design the look or "style" of your page. It is useful in that you can design basic styles and utilise them in more than one place without having to repeat the code over and over again. And extra content that is entered onto the page after the CSS does not effect the original structure, meaning you can chop and change certain parts without the fear of messing with the core structure of your site. This also makes it easy to navigate through the script to make any changes necessary all at once.
A CSS template can be used to easily edit selected parts of the appearance at a single time. Things such as default text colour, titles, default heading and text sizes etc can all be created and edited by using the CSS template.
Although a CSS template is highly helpful in its structure and organisation of styles, it is however limited to predominantly just the styles (ie. fonts, colours etc) and not to any actual layout plans. There are also a few things lacking in CSS currently, such as the ability to determine rounded or non-rectangular corners or shapes, or even generic terms for some table elements.
Accessibility is important for your page in order for it to be published correctly and so that all web users may view it correctly the way it was intended. Your page will not be able to be published unless it meets some strict guidelines and rules as set by the government as far as layout and CSS structure are concerned.
In my blog I have altered much of the table sizing and font colours/family. I'm still working on a few things that I haven't previously had the time for...but I'll get there...
OK, down to business.
CSS is defined by wiki as: "is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation semantics (that is, the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language"
...finish this later...sleep-time now.
.....later on....
So basically this means that it is the BASE CODE that is used to design the look or "style" of your page. It is useful in that you can design basic styles and utilise them in more than one place without having to repeat the code over and over again. And extra content that is entered onto the page after the CSS does not effect the original structure, meaning you can chop and change certain parts without the fear of messing with the core structure of your site. This also makes it easy to navigate through the script to make any changes necessary all at once.
A CSS template can be used to easily edit selected parts of the appearance at a single time. Things such as default text colour, titles, default heading and text sizes etc can all be created and edited by using the CSS template.
Although a CSS template is highly helpful in its structure and organisation of styles, it is however limited to predominantly just the styles (ie. fonts, colours etc) and not to any actual layout plans. There are also a few things lacking in CSS currently, such as the ability to determine rounded or non-rectangular corners or shapes, or even generic terms for some table elements.
Accessibility is important for your page in order for it to be published correctly and so that all web users may view it correctly the way it was intended. Your page will not be able to be published unless it meets some strict guidelines and rules as set by the government as far as layout and CSS structure are concerned.
In my blog I have altered much of the table sizing and font colours/family. I'm still working on a few things that I haven't previously had the time for...but I'll get there...
Friday, April 30, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Assessment uno.
Right, I'm not sure how many posts I'v made on here...a few...5 or something. And as far as interesting goes, I'd have to say having spiders attack me and demand that I never do homework again probably rates up there with one of the most eventful moments in my holidays. That's this one ;)
I've so far edited the background image for my main page along with some basic colours and the header. Also changed the sizes of the main tables and stuff because they were rediculously proportioned. It's not looking exactly how I want it but I can't update it until I make some images especially for it (which I will do eventually). I'm planning on ditching my header all-togther and sticking with just the side bar instead. Makes for a much neater looking blog. And I'm a big fan of the neatness. Not so fussed on messing with the font. It's basic. It's readable. That's all I care about.
I have made very few comments as the people I'm watching a) I don't know well enough and b) Haven't posted anything since last class.
Just been messing with the template a bit. Nothing much. I have some better ideas for it though, now I'm in a more creative mood. Not sure if they'll be done before assesment day....we'll see.
I think I have about...ten bookmarks on there. I've found it kind of helpful as far as keeping track of all these different groups for different classes is concerned. Because it seems each lecturer wants to make things even more difficult by adding yet another different site to the mix.
Three of my favorite/most used bookmarks are:
Ning for VPA101: blogging space specifically for students taking VPA101 this year.
Textbook search engine: You have no idea how helpful this has been. I got my textbook for one class like, $50 cheaper than everyone else. Stoked!
FACEBOOK FTFW!: Facebook. Because I'm lame like that.
I'v uploaded about nine images. My lack of images is mostly due to my dislike of uploading my own things to the www in too many places. And my even greater dislike for uploading pointless images that have nothing to do with anything and that may be someone elses work. Perhapse if I were starting a flickr for portfolio purposes I might fill it more.
So there you go. Think I've covered most, if not all, bases.
Au revoir.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
is trying to tell me something...T_T
Just smooshed a GIGANTOR whitetail with my VPA101 assignment....finally picked up the nerve to move said assignment and try finishing it..and another, smaller spider, crawled down my arm.
Someone doesn't want me to finish my homework. *hides*
Thursday, March 25, 2010

(image is also link to my flickr account)
OK, so, also started a flickr account, something I swore I wouldn't do. But as it's in aid of me passing the goes.
Flickr seems pretty well organised. It's not somethign I'm used to so I'm still working out where everything is.
I think Flickr would be one of those helpful sites for keeping your friends/family in the loop with your life/holidays/importent events etc. Unlike Facebook which is about finding old friends and checking what they're up to etc, I'd say Flickr would work well as a very impressive photo album.
I can also see the benfits of having your portfolio on Flickr as only people you select in groups can see your images.
I'm big on organisation so I love the making 'sets' function. It makes it easier to find exactly what you're after.
I had some problems with the I couldnt seem to even find wagga on the map O-o I assume this is my poor connection.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Woot. Got one. Splendid. My old IT teacher told me to get one of these, but I wasn't too keen....and I'm still not to be honest. Because, up till this point, I only had enough different profiles etc that I could remember them all.
I'm still not fully convinced I need it. I'll have trouble remembering how to get to it first let alone everything I've tagged.
Don't knock it till you try it I guess.
Although is seems like the simplest way to keep all your links in one spot I still find it a bit on the complicated side, that you have to lof in and search through to find what you're after anyway...when you could also google it. Depending on how many links you have saved this could take equal time, even with the grouping system.
Delicious uses tags, groups and descriptions to help you organise your links and connect with other people of the same interests. You paste the URL you wish to save into the "make a bookmark" page, give it a few relevent tags and a title and there you go. Perminently saved for you to pick up where ever you happen to be.
But like I said, I still don't see that it's all that much more helpful than a regular search engine.
Woot. Got one. Splendid. My old IT teacher told me to get one of these, but I wasn't too keen....and I'm still not to be honest. Because, up till this point, I only had enough different profiles etc that I could remember them all.
I'm still not fully convinced I need it. I'll have trouble remembering how to get to it first let alone everything I've tagged.
Don't knock it till you try it I guess.
Although is seems like the simplest way to keep all your links in one spot I still find it a bit on the complicated side, that you have to lof in and search through to find what you're after anyway...when you could also google it. Depending on how many links you have saved this could take equal time, even with the grouping system.
Delicious uses tags, groups and descriptions to help you organise your links and connect with other people of the same interests. You paste the URL you wish to save into the "make a bookmark" page, give it a few relevent tags and a title and there you go. Perminently saved for you to pick up where ever you happen to be.
But like I said, I still don't see that it's all that much more helpful than a regular search engine.
Week 4 shizdiggle
HA. Totally forgot I ever even made a Yahoo account O-o Aaand can no longer find the password. Brilliant.
Totally forgot a lot of things my external. *sigh*
Not overly a fan of Flickr and Delicious..but hey, what choice do I have. mmm Paragraph.... probably not gonna happen. Unless I put tonnes of spaces in....or
Well..seeing as everyone else is uploading their Deviantart crap...might as well..(RedBubble is better ;P)
yeah...that'll do. =]
Totally forgot a lot of things my external. *sigh*
Not overly a fan of Flickr and Delicious..but hey, what choice do I have. mmm Paragraph.... probably not gonna happen. Unless I put tonnes of spaces in....or
Well..seeing as everyone else is uploading their Deviantart crap...might as well..(RedBubble is better ;P)
yeah...that'll do. =]
Friday, March 19, 2010
Week 3 assignment - Blogs
Writing my first blog, because I have to.
Isn't it brilliant?
I think I make a damned fine blog. *shines*
Also for this part of the assignment I will link you to one Miss Mazzy's blog, on which I have commented.
Also I will link you to Wikipedia's definition of Blogger. Not because I find it remotely interesting...but because I have to. =]
The end.
P.s Mazzy is cool cause we have the same nick name ;) And she lets me look over her shoulder in class. <3
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