
Wednesday, March 24, 2010



Woot. Got one. Splendid. My old IT teacher told me to get one of these, but I wasn't too keen....and I'm still not to be honest. Because, up till this point, I only had enough different profiles etc that I could remember them all.
I'm still not fully convinced I need it. I'll have trouble remembering how to get to it first let alone everything I've tagged.

Don't knock it till you try it I guess.

Although is seems like the simplest way to keep all your links in one spot I still find it a bit on the complicated side, that you have to lof in and search through to find what you're after anyway...when you could also google it. Depending on how many links you have saved this could take equal time, even with the grouping system.

Delicious uses tags, groups and descriptions to help you organise your links and connect with other people of the same interests. You paste the URL you wish to save into the "make a bookmark" page, give it a few relevent tags and a title and there you go. Perminently saved for you to pick up where ever you happen to be.
But like I said, I still don't see that it's all that much more helpful than a regular search engine.

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